A. Make sure you are using an account that you created through your mail manager section of your...
Can I enable SpamAssassin on one email address only ?No you can't. When SpamAssassin is enabled it will affect all mail to
How do I access my spam folder ?If using webmail login and select the spam folder. If using pop3 (outlook for example) add /spam...
How do I check my email through a mail program ?Make sure you are using an account that you created through your mail manager section of your...
How do I control SPAM ?You can control Spam by enabled SpamAssassin( A Spam Filter ). SpamAssassin is a mail filter to...
How do I set up autoresponders ?Login to your control panel. Click "Auto Responders" in the email section.
How do I set up email forwards ?Login to your control panel. Click email forwards icon. Enter the email address you want to...
How do I setup my email account?Login into your control panel with provided Username and Password and click manage accounts under...
I setup a new email address but I don't seem to be receiving email.Each POP3 email address has it's own mailbox, username and password. You have to check each...
If SpamAssassin is blocking too much/not enough email what can I do?You need to redefine your spam defination. You can edit the file .spamassassin/user_prefs to...
What is SpamAssassin ?SpamAssassin is a mail filter to identify spam. Using its rule base, it uses a wide range of...
What is my incoming pop3 server and the outgoing mail SMTP server ?For the incoming mail server use or your IP address. For the outgoing mail server...
Why am I getting a 550 relaying denied error ?. The first is that you do not have the Outgoing Mail server authorization check marked in your...
Why my email account shows invalid username and passsword ?The user name for any account you create is the entire email address. So if you create the email...