File extensions that are not allowed as attachments

From a security perspective, Dinsol.Co.In Mail Server would reject inbound mails containing attachments with any of the following file extensions -

.ade .adp .adt .app .asd .asp .asx .bas
.bat .bin .btm .cab .cbl .cbt .cgi .chm
.cil .cla .clas .class .cmd .cpe .cpl .crt
.csc .csh .css .cvp .dll .dot .drv .exe
.fon .fxp .hlp .hta .htr .inf .ini .inp
.ins .isp .jar .js .jse .keyreg .ksh .lib
.lnk .mda .mdb .mde .mdt .mdw .mht .mhtm
.mhtml .msc .msi .msp .mst .mp3 .nte .nws
.obj .ocx .ops .ov .pcd .pgm .pif .pl
.pm .prg .scr .sct .shb .shs .slb .smm
.swf .swt .sys .vbe .vbs .vbx .vir .vmx
.vxd .wmd .wms .wmz .wsc .wsf .wsh .xms


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