Cancelling Domain Name Transfer

At any time after placing a Transfer Order you may want to cancel the same. Depending on the Transfer status, you would have the following methods to cancel the Transfer Order (except for a .EU domain name):

I. If the Order status is showing as - Transfer waiting for Admin Contact Approval

In this case,

  1. You can disapprove the Transfer from the mail that you receive from Dinsol.Co.In. In this mail,

    1. you have to click on the link that appears or copy-paste the link in the Browser Address Bar.

    2. in the page that comes up, select Cancel Transfer.

    3. copy-paste the key from the mail into the Key field in this window.

  2. If you have not got the mail for authorization, you can have it Resent to the Admin Email Address, by following the below procedure:

    1. Login to your Control Panel and search for the domain name for which you have placed the Transfer request. Click here to read how >>

    2. Click on the Domain Name from the list.

    3. In the Order Details View, you would find the Resend Authorization Button. Clicking on this would re-send the mail to the Admin contact.

  3. If you still do not receive the mail for authorization, you would have to contact our Support Team at -

II. If the Order status is showing as - Transfer waiting for Losing Registrar Approval

In this status, you have already approved the mail from Dinsol.Co.In, however you have not received/responded to the mail from the current Registrar. In such case, you can follow the steps below to cancel the Transfer -

  1. Login to your Control Panel and search for the domain name for which you have placed the Transfer request. Click here to read how >>

  2. Click on the Domain Name from the list.

  3. In the Order Details View you would find the List of Actions, whose status would read as Transfer waiting for Losing Registrar Approval.

  4. Click on the description where you would be able to see the Cancel Button. Clicking on this would cancel the Transfer Request.

On cancelling the Transfer from the Control Panel, the funds for the same would be available back in your Debit Account.


The Transfer of a .EU Domain Name can only be Cancelled through the option provided in the mail sent to the Registrant by the Registry.

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